A visit to Derry means also a visit to one of the hubs of the history of Northern Ireland. I used to live in Derry some years ago and in the pubs, after a few drinks, I would often hear stories from locals about their first-hand experiences during the “troubles”.
Read More Hanging on the walls of Alessandro Negrini’s living room in Derry there are posters of Casablanca, Charlie Chaplin, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Alda Merini smoking a cigarette and Italian directors as Rossellini, De Sica and Fellini. “Everything started for fun. As I always say, I'm a movie director by mistake, in the sense that I wanted to do something else in my life, like being an hairdresser.”

Irish Drinks market is declining due to falling consumption and cross-border purchasing of alcohol, said Chairman of the Drinks Industry Grup of Ireland (DIGI) KieranTobin during the launch ofthe report “Drinks Market Performance 2009” in Dublin yesterday.
In 2009 Ireland suffered a decline of almost 9%, worse than 2008 which in turn was described as the worst performance in decades.

Socializing comes easier in front of a pint than in front of a computer screen. This is something that so-called netizens seem to be forgetting, sucked in by their LCD virtual friends in social networks.
“City pubs have always provided a warm environment for social networking and remain the best way to mix and unwind,”

During the tragic earthquake that hit Honduras in 2009 hundreds of buildings were damaged or burnt to the ground. However, houses made of plastic bottles were not. The issue of affordable housing,
presented by Trish Groves of Trócaire, was one of the topics discussed during two of the meetings of the 15th Convergence Sustainable Living Festival, promoted by Cultivate from 26th May to 1st June.

Many Irish people purchase their Christmas presents online. There is an increasing number of sites which provide lists of online retailers (etailers) available in Ireland. Online shopping safety often depends on buyers’ forethought to follow a
number of simple rules that may help to avoid frauds and scams.